Healing Through Grieving
For anyone who
has lost a loved one

How the Program Works

The folios come with the first issue, special issues, journaling and resource information already in them.
Place a personalized letter of support in the front of the folio.
A member of the Church, community or Chaplain, presents the bereaved the folio.
Grief Healing Inc. mails the remaining fifteen monthly issues directly to the recipient of the program.
When presenting the folio, point out the following:
  • Personalized letter in the front
  • Grief is a long and painful process, the church/home and members of the community want to help
  • The page for attaching their loved one’s picture
  • The Table of Contents
  • The section for Journaling
  • Relaxation and Meditation Guides
  • Items in the Appendix for later review
  • Tell them they will receive an Issue monthly for the next 15 months, scan the pictures and headers and place it in the folio for reading later

    About eight weeks later, call the person, express concern and ask if he/she has received the second issue of the Healing through Grieving Program.

    Maintaining an Inventory (scroll down)

How to Activate Monthly Mailings
When Maintaining an Inventory

Healing through Grieving
A Leader's Resource.

Keep a three month supply on hand.

To Activate Monthly Mailings

Fill in the Activation card

and mail it


Activate mailings through
the Web Site

If you have grief support groups or grief educational programs, the material in Healing through Grieving is useful for stimulating discussion around relevant issues in the grieving process.

We have a Leader’s Guide for those who have the staff or volunteers to establish and maintain a grief support and/or educational group in  conjunction with the Healing  through Grieving Program.

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Created by
Rev. Kenneth E. Reed, Ph. D.
(toll free)
PO Box 781643,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46278-8643
e-mail: customer service

©1998 Kenneth E. Reed, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved

Web Site by Paula Sue
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